

Vue Schema-Driven Form Generation

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# Quick Start

# Installation

To add FormVueLate to your project, start by installing the package through your favorite package manager.

yarn add formvuelate
// OR
npm install formvuelate

# Using the SchemaForm component

Now that you have the package in your project, import it to your component.

import { SchemaForm } from 'formvuelate'

The SchemaForm requires two props. The first is the schema, which is the meta-data of your form. The second one is modelValue, which will hold the state of the form.

<SchemaForm :schema="mySchema" :modelValue="formData" />

The SchemaForm will $emit update:modelValue events when your components update. This means that you are able to either:

  • use v-model on it
  • or, manually capture the @update:modelValue event with a method of your own while injecting the :modelValue property.

Example with v-model:

  <SchemaForm :schema="mySchema" v-model="formData" />

import { reactive } from 'vue'
export default {
  setup() {
    const formData = reactive({})
    const mySchema = reactive({
      // some schema here

    return {

Example with manual bindings:


import { reactive } from 'vue'
export default {
  setup() {
    const formData = reactive({})
    const mySchema = reactive({
      // some schema here

    const updateForm = form => {
      formData = form

    return {