# SchemaWizard

FormVueLate also ships with a component called SchemaWizard, that allows you to easily build stepped, wizard-like, forms.

The SchemaWizard component exposes and requires three props: schema, step, and modelValue.

# v-model

The SchemaWizard component has a prop modelValue and emits update:modelValue events.

This means that you can v-model the results of the form into your parent component's state, or manually bind the property and listen to the event for more control.

  <SchemaWizard :schema="wizardSchema" :step="step" v-model="userData">

import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
  setup () {
    const step = ref(0)
    const userData = ref({})
    const wizardSchema = ref({
      // schema
    return {

# Props

# schema

The schema that the SchemaWizard will use to render the form. This is a required property.

The schema that the SchemaWizard uses varies from the one used in SchemaForm in one major difference — it is strictly an array, in which each of the array elements is a SchemaForm ready schema.


Note that the components used are only for purposes of the example and are not part of FormVueLate

Example schema for a form wizard/stepped form:

const wizardSchema = [
  // Step 1 - user's name
    firstName: { component: FormText },
    lastName: { component: FormText }

  // Step 2 - user's email and agree to terms
    email: { component: FormEmail },
    terms: { component: FormCheckbox }

In the above example we have two different form steps, the first will display two inputs — one for the firstName, and one for the lastName.

In the second step, the elements in step one will not be displayed, and the email and terms checkbox will.

# step

This property is required, 0 based, and of the type Number.

The step is the index of the currently displayed part of the stepped schema. In the previous schema example, step 0 will indicate that the SchemaWizard should display the index 0 of the form — the user's first and last name.

Step 1 will indicate that the SchemaWizard should display index 1 of the form — the email and terms checkbox.

  <SchemaWizard :schema="wizardSchema" :step="step">

import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
  setup () {
    const step = ref(0)
    const wizardSchema = ref({
      // schema
    return {

# modelValue

This property is required, and of type Array.

This is the property that the SchemaWizard component will use for v-model binding and to inject form values into subcomponents.

This is an example output from the example schema above after the user fills out the fields.

    firstName: 'Jane',
    lastName: 'Doe'
    email: 'jane@gmail.com',
    terms: true

Example injecting userData as the modelValue:


import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
  setup () {
    const step = ref(0)
    const userData = ref({})
    const wizardSchema = ref({
      // schema
    const updateData = data => {
      userData.value = data
    return {

# Handling submit

SchemaWizard will automatically create a <form> wrapper for you on the top level regardless of how many sub-forms you provide, and fire a submit event when the form is submitted.

This submit event uses preventDefault so you can handle the submit on your end.

In order to react and listen to the submit events, simply add a @submit listener to the SchemaWizard component in your template.


# Slots

SchemaWizard provides two slots for you to add additional elements to your form.

A beforeForm slot will be provided before the child SchemaForms.

Use this for scenarios where you want to provide some element to your form after the <form> tag, but before the internal SchemaForms.

  <!-- beforeForm slot content goes here -->
  <SchemaForm />

An afterForm slot will be provided after the rendered SchemaForms.

Use this to add elements after the rendered SchemaForms and before the wrapping </form> tag. A good example would be a submit button.

  <SchemaForm />
  <!-- afterForm slot content goes here -->


Always use the afterForm slot to add your type="submit" button, that way it will be rendered inside the form tags.

You don't have to listen to this submit button's click events, as SchemaWizard will take care of emitting a submit event whenever it is clicked, or the form is submitted in any other way.